Light Study in a Big Office

Rendered in UE5 using Lumen

Rendered in UE5 using Lumen

Mood Goal: Mid-morning workday

Mood Goal: Mid-morning workday

Kept light temp between 4000K - 5500K

Kept light temp between 4000K - 5500K

Daytime Reference

Daytime Reference

Light Setup 2: After-hours slowdown.

Light Setup 2: After-hours slowdown.

Only a few employees still working, but most of the office is shut down for the day.

Only a few employees still working, but most of the office is shut down for the day.

Light temp between 3000K - 4500K.

Light temp between 3000K - 4500K.

Directional outdoor light tinted for sunset.

Directional outdoor light tinted for sunset.

Evening Reference

Evening Reference

Third Setup Goal: Spooky NIghttime

Third Setup Goal: Spooky NIghttime

Cooler colors for a creepy atmosphere

Cooler colors for a creepy atmosphere

Few lights cast ominous shadows and create tension.

Few lights cast ominous shadows and create tension.

Volumetrics added to some lights.

Volumetrics added to some lights.

NIghttime Reference

NIghttime Reference

This is the largest Light Study I have done. I wanted to challenge myself with different times of day in a large environment. I also wanted to attempt at establishing a mood and tone with the light in each situation.
I first tried for a "busy workday" in the mid-morning - that meant all the rooms are occupied and in use and all the workstations are lit. Next, I attempted at capturing the post-workday mood - most of everyone has left, but there are some who are behind and need to work just a little bit longer - or they are lingering to socialize with their coworkers. And of course, the occasional light left on by accident.
Last, I wanted to capture a very 'tingle down your spine' tone. The area should be deserted, but it can't help but be a bit creepy. A liminal space that feels a tad spooky.